Providing Dependable Solutions to Your Restroom Security Problems
Token & Coin Operated Restroom Security LocksNIK-O-LOK™ is the solution to your restroom problems
Controlled restroom access can make restroom security easy, inexpensive, and help reduce vandalism and mischief!
Owners of restaurants, service stations, retail stores and other commercial businesses will readily tell you when it comes to public restrooms, security is a major problem.
Customers want and need clean, safe public restroom facilities, but business owners find it both difficult and expensive to provide for the personal security of the restroom user and the security of their property.
Now there is a way to secure your restroom facilities, protect patrons, reduce damage and lower the cost of maintenance…by controlling access with Nik-O-Lok™ Token Only or Token/Coin Operated Security Locks.
Nik-O-Lok™ Token Only or Token/Coin Operated Security Locks not only secure your restrooms, but they can also provide a new source of revenue and improve relations.